This blog is a brief glimpse into the crazy and sometimes abnoraml world of my family.

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You're braver then you believe, stronger then you seem, and smarter then you think. - Christopher Robin

Friday, October 21, 2005


ok so where do I start.. its been forever.. literally.
Well lets just let it rip..
I put in my two weeks notice at my job, but not before I received an offer on another job that I had been inquiring about.. it was a good offer, trust me..
SO I put in my notice.. it did not go well at all, needless to say I think that my boss might have sprouted horns when I told her.. and her face well it was actually quite commical.. I didn't really want it to happen that way, I suppose deep down I thought that they would be happy that I was moving on into a fantastic opportunity for me.. guess I was wrong.
So basically Monday I put in my notice.. monday they told me to leave.. fantastic!
So I called my new employer who is the coolest ever and they wanted me to start right away. So tuesday I went to York to train and meet the other people. I am still in real estate.. working for Coldwell Banker Commercial Bennett WIlliams.. very cool company..
So thats it in a nutshell.. things have been crazy.. they are only going to get more crazy.. I am just now starting to get the office set up and organized.. (it is so not at all) and hopefully will have more time next week to tell some good kid stories.. I have a ton..

Friday, October 14, 2005

So, this is the bunny. He looks a little psycho (I haven't figured out to work the red eye on my new camera yet) but as you can also see he is absolutely adorable. Olivia (who is holding him here) loves him to death. His name is Cadbury (we didn't name him)...
He is very friendly and cuddly. D, hasn't exactly warmed up to him yet.. but we'll see..
I have been trying to keep the dogs away from him since Bandit always looks like he wants to eat him. Tiller on the other hand jumps and runs everytime Cadbury moves (which is hilarious).
This picture is Bandit watching him from the kitchen, like he wants to eat him.. LOL
Hailey looks cute, as usual. So she started dance class on Wednesday night. She loves it! Its a beginner class that is a combination of tap, ballet and jazz. The teacher said she did really well for it being her first introduction to dance. Its nice to see her getting involved for once. She has always been the baby (even though she is technically the middle child)..
They are all growing up so fast..

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Last night was Hailey's preschool open house. She was dressed and ready to go as soon as I got home from work. D decided to stay home with Riley since he usually takes her to school and picks her up.. and has been to her classroom to talk about fire safety.. he already knows what she has been up to in school. So Olivia, Hailey, my mom (nanny) and I headed to her open house. It was a nice little event where we got to see some papers she has done over the last month as well as her classroom. On her seat in her classroom was a book that they had done that was all about themselves. Hailey drew a picture of herself, her sister, her family and what she wanted to be when she grows up which was the funniest thing of them all. She wants to be a lifeguard! Who would have ever thought that, it was adorable.. The pictures were cute and Hailey was very happy to get to show off her stuff to me and her sister.
Tuesday they are going to a pumpkin farm on a field trip.. D is going as a chaperone.. that ought to be interesting.
Nothing much else has been going on around the Pratt house. We spent a lazy lazy weekend laying around watching movies and football. In fact Saturday I didn't even get dressed all day! Just stayed in my night clothes.. I love days like that.
Can you belive it is October already, halloween is just around the corner. I have to get pumpkins, halloween costumes etc this weekend. Also Hailey is starting dance tomorrow night and the Strawberry Ball is next Saturday. Lots to do!

Friday, October 07, 2005

It has been one of those weeks. Boy am I glad that it is Friday, and maybe even more so this week. It all started on Monday when while running late for work, again, I ran over Olivia's bike in the driveway. She was completely hysterical about the whole thing. I tried to explain to her that I was sorry, but that was exactly why I always tell her to pick it up and put it where it belongs. But she wanted none of that. Later that night I looked at it, and it is definitely broken, unridable. I feel really bad, but she was told about fifteen times to pick it up. So now I suppose we know what Santa is bringing her.
The rest of the week work was stressful and busy. There are a few changes happening around my office, along with the fact that a close friend is leaving, and it stinks. Basically the changes leave me in limbo as far as where I am going etc. I suppose only time will tell.
Tuesday morning I got up and my van quit running on me about 1/4 mile from my house, luckily my neighbor was coming by or Olivia and I would have had to walk the whole way up our driveway. To the average person that seems like nothing at all.. But considering that our driveway is about 1/2 mile all uphill.. I was not prepared to walk it in the rain and in suits and heels none the less.
Riley has been a little blister all week. He refuses to listen to anyone or anything making every evening stressful and diffucult.
On another note I did get the kids a bunny. His name is Cadbury.. He is all white with one brown spot and brown ears. The girls love him. He is cute and soft and cuddly. D, of course, was completely annoyed by the prospect of adding another pet to the already growing population of two dogs and a fish, but oh well! The girls have been doing a great job taking care of him. I will post pics as soon as I can.
Everything else is ok, other then the rain. It has been raining and cold all day today. I know we need the rain but its miserable. Its one of those days when you just want to lay on the couch in your nightclothes and watch old movies on USA or TNT all day. definitely not the kind of day that you want to be out and about working in...
Hopefully the weekend will bring something fun (an no rain)....
I also have to give a shout out to some of the blogs that I read on a daily basis.
Trent at Pink is the New Blog where I get all my celebrity gossip (what can I say I am a sucker for drama)
Monica at Pieces of Us just because she seems really cool and I think that our daugters were seperated at birth.. LOL
and finally Amanda at Rhapsody in Blog just because she is awesome and rocks and I am going to miss her as an office mate. Plus her blog is very cool...

Monday, October 03, 2005


So this past weekend was fairly uneventful, well as uneventful as it could be around our house. Saturday was my old alma matters homecoming. Which is a huge deal and a ton of alumni try to make it back every year. I went to Milton Hershey School which was origianlly started by Milton Hershey as a school for orphaned boys. Obviously it evolved since I am neither an orphan or a boy. The school is a boarding school that offers a good experience and good education. So seeing your 'brothers and sisters' again is a huge deal. I, being the slacker that I am, have not been back in about 6 years. This year I made an executive decision that I was going one way or another. D was, of course, working so I had to take the kids alone. I was not looking forward to that. It actually went relaitvely well, other then Riley. It was nice to see a few old friends and just catch up. The girls were on their best behavior, for the most part.. but Riley, well he was being Riley, of course. He was running around and throwing rocks and just being bad. As usual. We ended up leaving after about two hours which was actaually ok beacuse I was tired of talking to people and they were just tired. It was a beautiful day though which made it nice too.
Saturday night I was supposed to attend the alumni banquet and then head out with some old friends for some much needed 'adult' time. Well on the way home Riley woke up in the car crying, then threw up all over the place. He threw up and ran a fever all night Saturday night. I couldn't even put him down to do anything, more or less leave him to go to the dinner. So I was stuck, again. But whats a mom to do. He was up most of Sat night sick and seemed to be feeling better on Sunday, though last night he was running fever again. Hopefully (cross your fingers) whatever he has isn't contagious.
I watched a ton of good movies over the weekend. Man on Fire, the new version of Psycho, Honey.. I am such a tv addict. With the NFL ticket we get all the movie channels, so I have been watching every movie I can find on.. With winter coming its going to get better because then I won't feel so bad about not getting any outside work done.. LOL