This blog is a brief glimpse into the crazy and sometimes abnoraml world of my family.

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You're braver then you believe, stronger then you seem, and smarter then you think. - Christopher Robin

Monday, February 06, 2006

Emergency Room trip

Well I should have know given the track record of this family that we couldnt possibly go too long without a trip to the emergency room.
So Sunday I was on my way to football practice ( when D called me all in a panic. It seems that Riley had fallen and cut his head. Olivia got on the phone and told me that it was bleeding really bad. Then D got back on the phone and proceeded to tell me that it was bleeding alot, was really deep and was gaping wide open. I was to meet him at the hospital ASAP. So, I immediately drove to the hospital and inpatiently sat around waiting for him to get there. Riley was not crying and was fine (other then the big hole in his forehead) by the time they got there.. Though Olivia had thrown up in the van from all the blood. Great!
So we got Riley triaged, my mother in law came and got the girls, then we proceeded to sit and wait and wait and wait somemore until we finally got to go back. Meanwhile while we were waiting Riley was still bleeding, but running around hyper, jumping off benches etc..
They gave him this fantastic medicine that made him sleepy, actually it completely knocked him out, it was great. He ended up with 5 internal stictches and dermabond glue on the outside of the cut. He slept right through the entire thing. Didnt feel anything. As a mother, I just cannot take listening to any child scream in pain as they are doing stuff to him, so it was good for both of us.
Now he just has a huge red cut, the shiny dermabond and a spongebob bandaid. (I bought them to make him feel better and so he didnt pick at it).
I will post pictures tomorrow.

I suppose I should also mention the superbowl, but honestly the officiating made me so angry I cant even talk about it right now.

So tomorrow!

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