This blog is a brief glimpse into the crazy and sometimes abnoraml world of my family.

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You're braver then you believe, stronger then you seem, and smarter then you think. - Christopher Robin

Monday, February 21, 2005

Two is a great age!

Well Sunday was Riley's 2nd Birthday. He was miserable for the majority of the day, we did manage to get a few smiles out of him, but other then that he ran fever and slept. He was very happy with his Wiggles cake which prompted him to an impromptu Wiggles dance. Everyone else had a fantastic time celebrating his birthday. My mom, stepdad and brother Tyler, D's mom, Dad, sister kim, her husband Karl and their Brady Bunch of kids, Amanda, Allison, Nathan and Kolton were all there. The kids of course had a hayday running throught the house and playing. Most people didn't stay long because of the 'big snow' we were expecting that afternoon. I was sorely disappointed when I got up this morning to nothing but a light dusting. I was expected a blizzard or something. I was thinking yesterday as I was holding Riley when he was sleeping, I cannot believe that he is two already. It just seems like yesterday that I had him. They are all growing up so fast. Livi losing teeth. Hailey ready for school.. and now Riley. Boy, I am getting old.

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