This blog is a brief glimpse into the crazy and sometimes abnoraml world of my family.

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You're braver then you believe, stronger then you seem, and smarter then you think. - Christopher Robin

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Sick as a dog, literally

the last few days at my house have literally been hell. Hailey was sick most of the weekend and into Monday. She spent most of Tuesday at the babysitters throwing up all over her living room which prompted me to take her to the doctors. The doctor of course gave her the once over and diagonsed her with this horrible stomach flu that has been going around. So, already being dead on my feet from long nights taking turns with D staying up while she was sick, I was pooped. Riley as well has been up long nights lately, ever since he feel between his bed and the wall and had to be rescued by his dad who had to pull the bed out to get him un-stuck. He hasn't exactly been sleeping like a log since then. So late Tuesday night I got up not feeling to great and just thought it was becasue I was tired from all the long nights.. WRONG! I, of course ended up with this horrible flu like death crap that is going around. I felt horrible, seriously like I was dying. It was miserable and I would not wish it on my worst enemy. Thankfully D took the kids to the sitters yesterday so I had a chance to spend the majority of the day sleeping or throwing up..
Needless to say all is better today. Hailey is feeling much better as is myself and the others. I only hope and pray that we haven't spread it all over the house and that all of us end up with it again.

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