This blog is a brief glimpse into the crazy and sometimes abnoraml world of my family.

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You're braver then you believe, stronger then you seem, and smarter then you think. - Christopher Robin

Friday, June 03, 2005

Bad Day Times a ZILLION!

Today was going so well... UNTIL I WOKE UP!
From there on it has been nothing but bad, worse and much much worse. It all started when I was sleeping so peacefully this morning and the phone rang, at 5:15 AM! who is actually awake at that time of morning. I will tell you who.. my wonderful husband who left for work at 3:30. D is a firefighter in Washington DC so he has to be there really early to relieve the guy before him. So the conversation starts like this:
Were you sleeping?

Umm.. yeah (this is me talking in my pissy you just woke me up voice)

Well your going to be mad at me...

What? (this woke me up fairly quickly) why? what did you do?

I have something of yours.

(I wasnt quite sure what he could possibly have of mine, so at this point I assumed he was just being stupid) what?

Your car keys.

What? your kidding me! (and the conversation just went down hill from there)

He obviously apologized profusly but I was so pissed at the fact that I now had to find a way to get my three kids to the sitter, me to work, to the two appointments I had to today, then get the kids from the sitter and get home.. not sure how that was going to happen.
I continued to be pissy even after he called the sitter, made arrangements for her to get the kids, and got his mom to say she would actually come and get me after work. Work has been long, tedius and crappy.. it is raining and yucky.. and today just sucks.
The kids didn't seem to mind getting picked up by the sitter and thank goodness she was nice enough to come and get them. The 8 blocks or so from my house to hers would have really sucks at 7 am in the morning in a suit.
So I am sure that D is very much looking forward to coming home to my pissy self tomorrow.

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