This blog is a brief glimpse into the crazy and sometimes abnoraml world of my family.

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You're braver then you believe, stronger then you seem, and smarter then you think. - Christopher Robin

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Crazy Robin

On Monday, Memorial Day, the kids and I went to my moms for a cook out. They love going to Nans, so I thought it would be a nice time. So after we ate we walked down to the park for some play time and ice cream.. (YUM).. on the way back we stopped over at my cousins house so the kids could see their cousins. We were all out in the yard when we noticed this mother bird chirping etc. I ask my cousins husband what all the fuss was about. There was a bird nest with babies in the bush by their swing set. So when he walked over to it and pulled the bush apart the baby birds came flying out... onto the ground, where they didnt move... but the mother did. She immediately flew towards us chirping the entire way. She dive bombed us about 10 more times until we decided to hit the road. It could have been the funniest thing I have ever seen. He was standing there trying to hit the bird with his hat, but she was too fast and swaking.. I was laughing so hard I thought I was going to pee my pants. So here's my apology for an earlier post where I was making fun of people being attacked by crows.. But its funny.. I don't care who you are thats funny... LOL

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