This blog is a brief glimpse into the crazy and sometimes abnoraml world of my family.

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You're braver then you believe, stronger then you seem, and smarter then you think. - Christopher Robin

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Don't you just hate Mondays

So yesterday was destined for disaster right from the moment I woke up. Our babysitter was unable to babysit yesterday so I was originally supposed to take them to my mother in laws. I decided though that instead of running 30 minutes out of the way that I would just wait for D to get home around 9 am and go to work. So I got to sleep in a little (ok so it was still 7 am when I got up but to me, that is sleeping in!) and got showered and ready for work. At 9:00 I called D and he still hadn't left the firehouse! I was fuming. I know it wasn't him fault but it completely through me off. So I hustled everyone to get dressed, fed them and then ran them to my mother in laws..
Work was even more hectic then the morning. I had meeting after meeting.. worked until 630 and still had about three hours worth of work to do when I left! It was horrible and crazy. I also got what I thought was going to be the sales contract for our new house via fax! But to my dismay it wasn't the sale contract, it was a counter offer to our counter offer! Boy was I pissed... I countered the counter and faxed it back immediatley giving them 48 hours to respond. I know that we love this house but this is not worth it.. I almost feel like they are attempting to screw us, but since I work in real estate I am definitely not about to let that happen. So we called the sellers and left a message last night, we haven't heard anything so they better be not calling because they are discussing how they could get sued for telling us verbally that the offer was accepted, cashing out deposit check, and then attempting to counter our offer.. seriously WTF!

So then when I finally did get home I opened the front door, and immediately wanted to turn around close it, get back in the car and go back to work. The house was total chaos.. Riley was screaming and sitting on the counter bleeding all over the counter and floor. D was trying to help him.. Hailey was crying and had a huge scratch down her cheek. I figured they were related incidents, but later (when everything settled) came to find out that they were completely seperated. Riley was sitting on the dog when the dog got up it threw him off and he smacked his nose off the floor and got a bloody nose. Hailey was scratch earlier by Riley, after she took something from him. Supper wasn't ready, the house was a mess and both the dogs were carrying on. I realize that you couldn't possibly picture this craziness, but then again I don't think you want too!
So when I finally fell into bed a little before 11:00 I think my eyes might have shut before my head even hit the pillow!

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