This blog is a brief glimpse into the crazy and sometimes abnoraml world of my family.

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You're braver then you believe, stronger then you seem, and smarter then you think. - Christopher Robin

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


As a mother, three times over, there are a ton of things that I have come to deal with. Puke, Poop, dirt you name it..
There are a few things that I can't deal with. Like a child spitting something into my hand that they don't like. I mean I don't freak out and scream or anything but seriously it just grosses me out. Last night at supper Hailey was eating a grilled hotdog. She obviously didn't like it and proceeded to take my hand and spit it out into it. Now, honestly I dont know if there is anything worse then a chewed up hotdog to make your stomach turn. I definitey puked in my mouth a little.

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